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[Writer Blog] Writing is More than People Think

Posted by reudaly on October 5, 2011 in Life, Writing, writing instruments |

This week has already been interesting – and it’s only Wednesday. I found out I’m not alone in my “irk” over an EBay commercial (shocker, I know). And I followed my gut about not pursuing a writing related job. AND I’ve managed both editing and new word count – fiction and non-fiction.

Still fresh off my FenCon and Dallas Pen Show highs, I found EBay’s “Left Out” commercial making my teeth grind. Let’s ignore the fact that employee harassment on those kinds of levels would TOTALLY open up that company for law suits. Let’s ignore the fact that there are massive Anti-Bullying campaigns going on, which EBay has completely ignored. No, EBay seems to think that writing with a GASP! PEN! is something worthy of mockery.

Oh, the problems, EBay. So. Many. Problems. Why do I bring this up here? Pen World Magazine and several other news outlets have recent run articles on the importance handwriting is to cognitive development and communication skills that typing just doesn’t give. Penmanship is still a vital skill to have – even in an ever increasing digital world. It’s worth reading why actual WRITING is important to mental development.

Then there are the economic issues. In this commercial, the guy (even though he has a smart phone) is mocked and berated for using pen and paper when everyone else has a tablet. The economic problems? Unless you’re a serious collector – most PENS are a tiny fraction of the cost of a tablet computer. And in the commercial’s case, unless that manager is paying for that tablet, don’t give in. In “green” terms – there are a lot less hazardous materials in a pen and paper is infinitely more recyclable than a tablet computer. Energy conservation? A pen and notebook DO NOT have to plugged in. Do not need a Wi-Fi connection. Time Savings? A pen doesn’t require booting up and logging in to any kind of application.

And if you’re a full time writer – or trying to be – where employers are doing their gosh darnedest to not pay or pay below minimum wage? Or only wanting to pay-per-click or if posts reach a certain Google ranking (which is always an iffy thing)? This great graphic went around Facebook last week. It’s awesome, because it keeps emphasizing the point that artist/creators DO need to be paid for their work – not just patted on the head for doing something “creative” or providing a service with no compensation. Writers and artists fight an uphill battle for respect everyday. Having to fight a technological battle on top of an economic one is one battle too many.

Which goes back to the economic argument of the commercial. Tablet computers are incredible tools of the writing trade. A tablet computer would making working remotely and convention travel a lot easier. I’m looking forward to getting one myself someday — but I’m not going to run up debt to do it. I’ll continue with “low tech” pens and paper – moving to my laptop. Sometimes functionality does outweigh the need to be “cool”.

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1 Comment

  • This is a great post and sums up what a lot of us think about the Ebay commercial. I hope whoever approved the commercial in their marketing department has had a good dressing down.

    Sometimes companies make controversial adverts to promote a reaction but I don’t think that is true in this case.

    I believe it was an appalling error of judgement by somebody at Ebay. They should have thrown their hands up in horror when first shown the concept by their advertising agency.

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