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[Writing Post] SQUIRREL!

Posted by reudaly on September 14, 2011 in Life, Writing |

I’m deep into “SQUIRREL!” mode right. I admit it. This is the last week before FenCon. FenCon is one of those rare times where I have to be three people all at once. I am FenCon Staff (worker chick). I am Panel Participant (writer chick). I am Friend of Fen (fun fangirl chick). My “to do” list keeps getting long, but the day stays the same length of time. Different deadlines loom all demanding attention at the same time.

I need to be writing. I have commitments that have to be met. For once my collaborator is waiting for me – I’ve fallen behind on that. There’s a short story demanding my attention. I have blog commitments that need to be done. And yet, I keep getting distracted by…life.

So what did I do there for a little while before working on this? I started playing with a new program to convert files to .epub formats. Yeah… that is something I need to do. Along with coming up with other ideas for increasing income.

I’m seriously trying to focus on ONE THING at a time. It’s so not happening, and common sense is going right out the door. I’ve clicked on something I shouldn’t have. I keep finding other things to do that keeps this from getting done. I know it will be better once FenCon is over, but that’s not today.

The whole “SQUIRREL” thing keeps coming. There are chores to be done around the house. The dogs are driving me completely insane wanting OUT every FIVE MINUTES. I keep finding things to do that aren’t writing – but writing related or convention related. And it’s NOT JUSTIFIED for not writing. Now I need to go do it.

See, “SQUIRREL” moments don’t just happen to newbies. It happens to all of us.

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