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[From the Archive] Conventions Inspire Creativity

Posted by reudaly on July 15, 2011 in Archive, Conventions, Writing |

Another Blast from the Past – 2009.
FenCon is one of my most exciting and exhausting conventions of the year. I pull double duty here – as Guest of Honor Liaison and as Writer-Chick. It also turns out to be one of the more inspiring conventions. However, it will probably be days before I can fully commit to some of the ideas swirling around in my brain.

That doesn’t mean I will let them go, though. Or any of the inspirational energy that comes from spending time around other creative types. It’s normal to be completely wiped out after a convention – in fact, if you’re not, you were doing something wrong at the convention. As long as you do something to keep up the momentum.

I, for instance, am not only trying to recover and doing my day job (which is a lot of writing – just not FUN writing), but I’m editing a couple of projects that I want to get out into the universe. Though editing is not nearly as sexy as pursuing brand new ideas, it’s just as vital and important. The key to this whole thing is momentum. Not letting the physical exhaustion totally get in the way. You don’t have to do marathon writing stretches (unless you have a deadline in which someone’s paying you money), but keep doing something.

Don’t let what others are doing derail you through guilt or unrealistic expectations. I almost fell into that trap myself, watching some of my (bigger name) writer friends pounding away at keyboards during FenCon. Until one of them reminded me that he not only had said deadline, but was only doing one job at the convention (Special Guest, but still) while I was doing two jobs and running around like an idiot.

Perspective and realistic expectations. They’re amazing for moments of clarity. Now, here I am, doing what needs to be done within the parameters of what I’m physically able to do. I’m keeping the momentum of the convention – which invariably makes me want to go out and take on the publishing world – within the parameters of what I’m able to do which right now is editing/reworking some older stories while the plot bunnies run around and breed in my head. Hopefully, they’ll be ready to go when I’m no longer staggering through my day – not that plot bunnies are known for their cooperative powers.

That’s how I’m learning to harness the inspirational qualities of a convention while dealing with the fact I’m not 20 anymore with boundless energy. It’s all about perspective. Editing can be done while sitting on the couch or during shortened lunches while making up time, and doesn’t take away from the creative flow. It’s all part of the creative circle of life.

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