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[From the Archive] ArmadilloCon

Posted by reudaly on May 20, 2011 in Archive, Books, Conventions, Writing |

The convention season is gearing up. SoonerCon is rapidly approaching, June 3-5 in OKC. Oh, and my newest book review is up at Authors and Appetizers.

Just in case anyone was wondering, I did meet the deadline. Now I’m waiting for client revisions. That should be fun. That’s when you get into the “That’s what I asked for, but…” part of the freelance project. This is where I really earn the contract money. But until the revision notes come in, it’s collaboration time.

Yes, I’ve agreed to work on a short story and a novella (at least) with two different, Bigger Names Than Me, authors. Both are good, crazy fun, and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with the projects. However, I see them both in about 10 days at ArmadilloCon and need to have something to show them when I get in on Friday, August 14th, in Austin.

Yes, once more, it’s convention time. I hope I don’t have to write more on “professionalism” when it’s all over again. And I’m looking forward to this one. ArmadilloCon in Austin has been going for 31 years. It’s one of the longest running SF conventions in Texas. They pull in amazing Guest of Honor – this year is Scott Lynch, Joan D. Vinge, Chris Roberson, and Scott Cupp for the writerly types. I was looking forward to meeting artist Stephan Martinere, but he had to cancel for VERY good reasons.

I always learn something new at ArmadilloCon when I go – which has been the last four years or so. Why? Because there are always quality industry people who come to ArmadilloCon. It’s a good “business” convention in many ways. Such as meeting up with my new writing partners, meeting and working with people I’ve admired for years. ArmadilloCon is…calmer…than some of my other conventions. They don’t do the costuming that many others do, but they do good parties and have a killer con suite. I’ve had some incredible conversations with other writers, editors, and artists at ArmadilloCon – which is the point of most of these conventions.

So, if you’re in or anywhere near Austin, TX. Please come join us. It’s informative, educational and good fun. I’m going to have a good time, won’t you join me?

The Schedule was cut for relevance…

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