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[From the Archive] Don’t be an Infomercial

Posted by reudaly on May 13, 2011 in Archive, Writing |

Some weeks are harder than others to come up with topics, but something has come up — fortunately, this time, not a death in the industry. This is more about online behavior and etiquette — and marketing.

You see, as with the Professionalism articles, there’s a line to online usage and behavior. It’s fairly easy to say, “Don’t be a Jerk.” “Be professional”. There’s also something else to keep in mind… “Don’t be a pest.” Which leads to “Don’t be an Infomercial.”

I’m on most of the social networks. I started out LiveJournal. Now I’m on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace. I write here and on my blog. I’m also, as many writers are, fundamentally lazy. I have a cross-post a lot of things across boards. And I’ve pretty much stopped sending out mass emails. I have very few message boards that I hang out on. Why? I can either troll online all day, or I can actually write.

Why else? Because the person who hangs out on message boards, sends out bazillions of emails, trolls the social networks and only pimps their own books… yeah, not making a good impression. Should a writer actively market their materials? OH HECK YEAH, because if the author doesn’t do it — no one will. BUT… how many people want to REALLY buy from those infomercial guys who shout at you on late night tv? How many people hate telemarketers and used car salesmen? Why be that person?

I mention my work on my networks. I encourage new fans, but I have other topics of conversation. Since I’ve been turned off by people and authors who over-tweet, over-post, and over-email their friends, family, and fans. It’s something we all learn by trial and error. We all push the line, but always keep in mind that there’s a thin line between “Enthusiastic” and “Frightening”. In trying to sell your material as hard as possible, don’t push away your customer. It’s not about how MANY followers you have, but the longevity and quality of them.

So, when you go out to sell your books and make your announcements. Keep a simple thing in mind… if you were on the receiving end of your own email, would it turn you off? Stop and think before you post that 13th post/tweet/etc in an hour. Is it that important? Think before you hit enter and nine times out of ten, you’ll be okay.

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