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Posted by reudaly on April 11, 2011 in Writing |

I’ve been a very lax participant on — this is a social network for creative types mostly in the SF Genre. This is the Brain Child of WILLIAM SHATNER!!! Well, no more! I plan to be much more involved

Anyway, Shatner and Amanda Tapping (Stargate/Sanctuary) are voicing this web animated series called The Zenoids.
They held a contest back at the first of the year. They had two categories apparently – original (take their characters and do an original script) or Fill-In (Start with their bones and put in dialog). I followed it to find out I didn’t win… what I FAILED TO NOTICE WAS THIS:

Myouterspace is pleased to share with you, in no particular order, our favorite Zenoids Script Submissions received from you, our members. Congratulations to Rhonda Eudaly Simpson for her top Fill-In dialogue submission!

I JUST saw a note from one of the other writers about collaboration. It was dated 3/22/11. I’ve responded IMMEDIATELY YES!


Guess what’s going on my start tab NOW!!!!!!!
I’m beyond WORDS. BEYOND WORDS, I tell ya.

Oh, and seriously??? BAD WRITER! NO BISCUIT! Someone smack me – but gently, and not on the left shoulder…I took a baseball there today.

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