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[Writer Post] The New Plan and Beta Readers/Editors Needed

Posted by reudaly on March 30, 2011 in Writing |

Don’t Forget! Four Winds Renaissance Festival, this weekend. Me, I’m appearing there on Fairy Tale weekend!

I was an answer on Jeopardy last week… Well, Zoe was – sort of. They apparently had a Horseman question. The one missing was “Death”. Though they picked a more obscure mythos using “Conquest” rather than Plague/Pestilence, that’s just wrong – we’d be nothing without Butterflye.

Speaking of ROTA, I’ve finished my section for the next installment. It’s now up to War to deconstruct and reconstruct our parts to start the braiding process. Then we get to edit, smooth, fix and redo the whole thing. So even though I can say, “I’m done,” we’re a far cry from “finished”. It’s all good.

Does that mean I’m taking a break? Heck no. Well, maybe I did for a couple of days. But that was also to formulate the new Plan. Yes. I have a plan. It may not completely come together, but it’s a plan. I would love it if this plan came together… Anyway, the Plan has several parts.

1. The all call for beta readers. I need readers for a couple of different projects. I need folks to edit/proofread stuff for me. Tell me what works, what doesn’t, and where I’ve missed words, made typos, etc. I pay in cookies. The most urgent will be a new collection of stories bought and/or published by now out-of-business publishers – along with some new stories. This collection will also have a Brad Foster cover, and I hope to have it out by SoonerCon.

2. I’m going to pull most of the stories I have in circulation, give them one more polish and put them on the website. Why? Most have been out and about for quite a while and are looking at low or no paying markets. This way I can put them out and continue to move forward.

3. Hoping to have When the Party’s Over up on Kindle and/or Smashwords in the very, very near future. There is some finagling of the files that need to happen.

4. I’m working on the novels again – with the intention of finishing some of the partially finished short stories. Need NEW stuff to send out into the universe – because 2011 is the YEAR OF FINISHING STUFF.

Yes, it seems ambitious. No, I don’t intend on doing all of this in the next week or two (though 1 -3 will be in that time frame-ish). Feel free to keep me accountable to this plan. I do well with accountability. That’s the plan.

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