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[Writer Post] ConJouring up the Time

Posted by reudaly on March 9, 2011 in Conventions, Writing |

It’s been a catch up, push forward, and hit the ground running couple of weeks – and depending on the outcome of a call later today to my husband, perhaps this is just the beginning. It’s both a long and short week for us – long because ConJOUR is this weekend, short in a four day Day Job week. ConJOUR here we come.

This is ConJOUR’s first year to do full on programming, so we expect some hiccups. I haven’t posted my schedule yet, because there isn’t one. They have announced their site open and close times, but that’s all I know. The last panel listing has me on 8 programming items but no times and places. Julia and I DO have an Artist Alley table, so we’ll be there when not on programming. If you’re in the UT Clear Lake area of Houston this weekend, PLEASE come out and see us and help support a new, fan-run convention. It’s going to be a hoot and a half.

For those who are on the fence about whether or not social networks have power, they do. On Monday, I saw a utility company truck driver throw a can out the window (STILL hoping it was an energy drink). I put it on Twitter, not knowing if the utility company was on Twitter. They are. Within the hour, they replied, we started a dialog and now there’s an investigation. We take “Don’t Mess with Texas” seriously here. That driver will have probably had a very bad day after that, but still…whoa. Behold the power of Twitter. Must remember that with such great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely.

Now, I have to get back to work – both Day Job and ROTA writing. I’m behind on that, and it’s my next deadline. I’ve got a good start. The plan is to write a bunch in the notebook the next few days and then type in the car to ConJOUR. So far it’s working…this week. I don’t think I’ll have any more deadlines popping up before that one, so it has my full attention. After that, we’ll find the next priority and the next one…because this is the Year Of Finishing Stuff…Darn It!

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1 Comment

  • madmoravian says:

    Thanks for the reminder about ConJour. Since it’s about 3 miles from where I’m typing this, I’ll try to stop by.

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