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[Writer Blog] Time Management – Friend or Foe

Posted by reudaly on January 5, 2011 in Writing |

Argh! I had the beginning of a decent blog post going about Time Management that totally fell apart on me. I guess Time Management won that round. Sneaky weasel that it is…Time Management is something I’ve been locked in mortal combat with my entire adult life. But that’s not just me. Lots of people – writers being just one group – have been engaged in this continuous “Land War in Asia” with Time Management.

One of my more encompassing goals for 2011 is to reach a sort of détente with Time Management. I don’t need a clear victory – a ceasefire will do. There are things I need to accomplish this year, if I can come up with a mutually workable treaty, then I can (theoretically) get everything done that needs doing. Because let’s face it, unless I can come up with more hours in a day – and though I have REALLY GOOD smart geeks around me, they haven’t been able to do THAT – an agreement has to be reached.

It may be that it comes to much more rigid scheduling. Or a mental shift (I *am* capable of those, my annual Day Job Evaluation proved that today) may suffice. Because not only do I have to figure out how to make time for family, writing, friends, and dogs — there is some extra-curricular Day Job stuff I’ll probably have to do in the next 12 months as well.

To that end, I should get back to the fiction work. I’ve got a ton of stuff to type up – the longhand writing with cool pens is the “fun” part of the writing. Then comes the “chore” part of the writing – typing , followed by editing, followed by MORE typing. But this is what I do, and what I need to BE DOING since ROTA is behind, I have a story due for submission by the end of the month, *and* I have to start getting the “business” part caught up so I’m ready for convention season to start next month. Eek.

So, come on Time Management. I’m extending the Olive Branch for peace. Let’s talk civilly and come up with a workable plan. I know I’m not negotiating from a position of strength, but I’m in earnest. Meet me halfway, would you?

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