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[Writer Post] Naked Snake Press, Holidays, and…SQUIRREL

Posted by reudaly on November 17, 2010 in Books, Writing |

This is going to be a random post. Call it Pre-Holiday ADD…SQUIRREL!!!

First off, Naked Snake Press posted their “getting to know you” interview with me today. Go check it – and them – out. Also, to reiterate, Yard Dog Press is doing some Christmas/Chanukah sales. Books make great gifts. Go forth an buy.

I’m also actively working on the next Redheads of the Apocalypse installment. This one is going well, and I am NOT going to have any problems reaching my 20K word count. This one is probably going to have to be trimmed down (yay). Then it’s back to work on the other novels and probably a couple of short stories and some flash fiction for a possible project (stay tuned).

The SQUIRREL part? Something I forgot to mention that comes up in the realm of Plot Bunnies and Ren Faires. Yes, I get almost as many ideas for stories from my work/play at the Renaissance Festivals as I do from my Fan Group and Conventions. Part of that is that MUST have a hat like this…and there has to be a story behind it. Besides the fact I borrowed it from Ruth Thompson.

During our trip to the Texas Renaissance Festival, my husband and I spent some time with the wonderfully talented folks at Angel Sword. These folks forge exquisite (and World Record holding) knives and swords. We found out they were actually featured TWICE on Mythbusters (must find those episodes!). They are friends from Scarborough Renaissance Festival and lovely people (who read what I write). However, they’re also MEAN, AWFUL people who have lovely sharp, pointy things I can’t afford (even when they dangle their layaway program in front of me – oh, to win the lottery…). I would love to be able to afford one of their smaller pieces (don’t get me started on their Signature Pieces).

That, however, isn’t the point to this part of the story (unless you just want to listen to me whimper over the Preciouses – Golem and Frodo can keep their silly rings…) What is the point is that this one time we were taken “up stairs” to see the historical swords. I was able to put my hand on the hilt of an 1100 year old sword. There were others – merely hundreds of years old and from many countries (one of which had such a small grip it almost had to be a woman’s sword – or so it goes in my head). Now I have Plot Bunnies ala Dead Man’s Gun. The 1100 year old sword had a gold cross still embedded in the blade and had been buried with a knight…or so they think. I could do something with that.

So, now it’s time to get back to work – on many levels. Go check out the interview. Go buy books. Stay safe during the holidays. And keep your eyes open for Plot Bunnies. The darned things are simply EVERYWHERE – including fake 15th century faire parks. 😎

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