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Notebook Review and Contest – The Rhodia Webnotebook

Posted by reudaly on August 9, 2010 in Review, writing instruments |

So, Dave, of Dave’s Pencils – yes, we’re still working on the Rotring drafting pencil review. That one is a joint review that my husband and I are doing. This one was a much quicker one to do. And it all started with a contest like with the Rotring, just one I didn’t win. I’ve always been impressed with the Rhodia line of notebooks – just can’t always afford them. Then I was given the opportunity to both review and giveaway a Rhodia Webnotebook courtesy of Karen and Stephanie of Exaclair.

Now, to the review. The Rhodia Webnotebook is a blank notebook with 92 pages of 90g Clairefontaine brushed vellum paper. The cover is a black with the logo embossed on the front cover, an elastic band and bookmark to keep your notebook closed and in the right place. There is a hard paper inner pocket attached to the back cover that is cool, but I’m not sure what I’d use it for.

I have no problem with unlined paper. Sometimes I rather like it, because sometimes I can get more words on a page when I write. And I can see where some of my artist friends would find that useful for sketching. Then I got into actual use of the notebook. I wrote pieces of my rough draft in various pens to have fun and to test the paper.

The paper is smooth, almost slick feeling but without being glossy. It’s a cream colored paper, and that’s the word that kept coming to mind as I wrote on the paper – creamy. I did encounter a little bit of smearing but only with the most liquid of inks – my widest nib Waterman fountain pen and a rather gloppy ballpoint pen. I did discover that the rollerball pen I thought was good, isn’t as much because it skipped as much this beautiful paper as it does on coarser paper. Colors are clear and bright. And except for a worn down tipped fine point Sharpie, I encountered no bleed through to the reverse side of the page.

I can’t wait to find out what I use the notebook for. Fiction writing and reviews or my personal journal. I love this notebook. I would use it for EVERYTHING if I could. The 5.5″ X 8.25″ size would even fit in my bigger purse – definitely in any briefcase or backpack. I knew I would like Rhodia when I saw it in some retail outlets. Now I know for sure. And so you don’t have to take my word for it… I have one to give away.

The CONTEST: Let me know in comments who wants one and maybe why, and we’ll figure out a random comment generation method. Comment between now and Midnight on Friday, 8/13/10. I’ll get in touch with the winner by email, and we’ll get it out to them. DISCLAIMER: I do have to approve comments because the Russian Spambots love my site, but I’ll get ’em approved as quickly as possible. GOOD LUCK!

I give it 4.5 Bronze Pencils out of 5 simply because I prefer spiral notebooks so I don’t break the binding, even though this is a very high quality, lay flat sewn binding.

**Note: I’ve revised my standard from 4 to 5 bronze pencils and have adjusted this review accordingly and it will go forward from here.


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