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Looking Foreward to an Un-Ranty Week Ahead

Posted by reudaly on March 28, 2010 in Life |

Last week was a ranty week – most of you didn’t hear about (yet). I don’t want this coming up week to be that.

Rant #1 – Just so you know, FRY’S ELECTRONICS (in Arlington) Service Department is super slow and incredibly unhelpful. It took us – with my MIL – OVER an HOUR and A HALF to get her new printer scheduled for service because they didn’t have another one to just REPLACE the one she bought (no one did). THEN, the service guy couldn’t GUARANTEE that the loaner printer they offered her (which isn’t the same printer as the one we’re having repaired) had any ink in it. Did they expect her to BUY INK (expensive stuff there) for a printer she was giving back in — get this, 6 – 8 weeks? Yeah. Not a good experience there. Just be warned. REPLACING stuff is fairly painless (if you have some time – they are NOT speedy).

I don’t talk about politics or religion IN PUBLIC often, because I find it a very private and personal issue – as well as volatile. I will talk about this stuff in private and politeness all day long.

Rant #2 – Healthcare Reform. Yes, this will probably lose me some friends because it’s not a very popular opinion right now. I AM IN FAVOR OF HEALTHCARE REFORM. I don’t think this bill is it. This is my opinion. This bill scares me because I’ve been one of those people who’s been uninsured for a long time. I make too much money (even with sporadic employment) to qualify for former assistance. I don’t make enough to afford the insurance that is available to me. That could change in the near future – or not.

But when I hear that small business owners are considering taking the government fines instead of carrying insurance because it’s cheaper – I don’t understand how this bill helps.

When my best friend’s mother may not make it to 2014 when adults will be covered by the provision of not being turned down for healthcare because of pre-existing conditions – I don’t understand how this bill helps.

When I have to wonder if I’m going to be employed before the government fines goes into affect – I don’t understand how this bill helps.

When I’m told a $939 BILLION pricetag is supposed to lower the deficit – I don’t understand how this bill helps.

I think there are probably a few good things in there, but when major corporations are already talking about redesigning their healthcare options to save money, when we were promised we could keep our plans if we liked them — and those who wrote the bill have written loopholes into them so they don’t have to follow the plan THEY WROTE – I worry. When several states contest the Constitutionality of it all – I worry.

Yes, our system is flawed. Yes, our system needs overhaul. People need healthcare they can afford. I don’t know that this is it. I’m also getting darned tired of each side having nutjobs creating generalities. I’m tired of having my religion and views bashed just because of a few lunatics. And I’m tired of having other people tell me or people I love are intolerant when we choose to voice our opinions and religious views. It’s as much as our right as it is for those who choose to not believe the same as I/We do.

I’m done for now. It’s out. I’m not inviting argument. I will not tolerate flaming. If you have a calm, reasonable comment, make it. This is my opinion. I’ve voiced it. It’s my right. I am a Conservative, Christian Republican. I love my God, my church, and my country. And now I can go into a new week with clear air.

Thus endeth my every 2 year-ish political posting. This all been said – I do vote candidates – not party. I don’t LIKE voting “lesser-of-all-evils”, but I do it. Republican, Democrat, or Martian.

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  • KimBooSan says:

    I’m also getting darned tired of each side having nutjobs creating generalities.

    This, 100%. The political “debate” has been so painful to watch/hear/read that I simply haven’t; the crazies are leading the parade, while people like you and me – very different in political and religious views, but united by tolerance and a desire to see a better tomorrow for everyone – are shoved to the sidelines. It’s just frustrating, honestly.

    And also everything you said about the healthcare bill – I’m a flaming liberal and Obama supporter, sure, but I’m NOT seeing how this is going to help me much, other than getting fined for not having coverage I can’t actually afford. Yeah, thanks for that. 😛 No system is perfect, I get that, but there ARE systems out there that work better than what we have and what we are getting and instead I totally feel like Washington sold us down the river to the insurance industry.

    I guess I should be glad we don’t have a Fry’s Electronics here in Tally?

  • reudaly says:

    Stinks being fairly middle of the road on a lot of things – the whackjobs get all the attention. It’s like being in school – the Overachievers and the Problem Children get all the attention. The kids that don’t cause any trouble and do their work well get lost in the shuffle.

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