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Calling Comic Book Guys, iTunes, and Other Work

Posted by reudaly on January 5, 2010 in Life, Writing |

Calling all Comic Book Guys out there… and Independent Publishers. I’m in need of recommendations for a printer which will do digest sized (8 X 5.5) perfect bound chapbooks in small print runs for reasonable amounts of money. My project is about 60 pages with a full color cover. Want to keep “retail” price under $10 if at all possible – hence not going with LULU or CreateSpace.

iTunes crapped out again. Final solution popped up to delete the libraries and start over, because the problem could be with an old Vista library file. So while I type this, my music is being reloaded into iTunes. If it’s still working in a week – I will call the problem solved. If not – I’m done, since the only other option would be to raze my computer to the ground and do a clean install of Windows 7 (not upgrade from Vista) and hope for the best. Don’t wanna.

The goal to be more gainfully employed in 2010 than 2009 is starting off hopeful. I’ve been working all this week at a temp job that interviewed me (for what, I’m not sure), but it’s a growing company, so I’m keeping my options open. Lovely people, only half the commute from the other job, and it puts me back in the TCU area of Fort Worth (at least during business hours).

HOWEVER, I’m once more getting my ducks in a row. This job will be easier to do that with for as long as it lasts. Now, to come up with a topic for this week’s StrangeWords article. Writing is coming back. Not quite as consistent as it should be, but it’s only Tuesday. 😎

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