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What I’m Reading – Media Tie In & Supermodels

Posted by reudaly on September 6, 2009 in What I'm Reading |

I haven’t done a “what I’m reading” post in a very long time. I apologize for that, but I have been reading as well as writing.

My friend, Debbie, introduced me to this book. I read it in between Star Trek Media Tie-Ins. One I got used to the First Person Present Tense usage, it was a cute and fun read. The idea of a Supermodel Werewolf was unique and well-presented. Unfortunately, it was a set up to a very fun series in which there will be no more volumes. Ronda Thompson died not long after the book came out. I would have loved to see how this played out – and can think of a few avenues it COULD have taken.

Then there’s the media tie. First…

I bought this because Keith RA Decandido will be a Special Guest at FenCon in two weeks, and Chris Roberson was the Editor GOH at ArmadilloCon and someone I’ve known for years.

And currently…

I do not know why some authors decry media tie-in. Yes, it’s work-for-hire. Perhaps it’s “hack work”, but you say “hack” like that’s a bad thing. Media Tie-In (which is legalized, paid for, professional fan fiction) is DARNED hard to do WELL. Especially when the turnaround deadlines are very tight. Because you’re dealing with fandoms that have run for forty years, that people know better than some family members. And with these two titles – taking those universes and turning them wonky. That’s where the degree of difficulty comes in.

Keith RA DeCandido does this for a living. He does it WELL. I can hear character voices in my head when I read his Media Tie In. Chris Roberson – same with the characters, he also does a TON of other awesome stuff.

I haven’t read media tie in in a long time. These two made me remember what I LOVE about

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