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#Emmyfail or How Felicia Day Rocks Once More

Posted by reudaly on August 5, 2009 in Writing |

Felicia Day is not only a talented actress and singer, she’s a writer. Let’s just face it — Felicia Day ROCKS. Everyone in Hollywood should hire her. She’s also a powerhouse for “Getting Things Done”.

I’m on Facebook (a lot). Now, I’m new over on Twitter (reudaly if you want to follow me). I’m getting the hang of Twitter. You learn interesting and weird things. Felicia Day started a hashtag action today. I’m still not sure what it is or is all about (the hashtag thing), but I’m jumping on her bandwagon on this one.

It seem the Emmy Awards have decided to “timeshift” 8 awards that they think are “less important” than other awards — like 2 of the 4 writing awards. Not sure what 2 they’re keeping in the live shots, but it’s both weird and insulting to writers. Writing is hard work. If it weren’t for writers you wouldn’t have all those lovely scripted shows – heck you wouldn’t even have crappy REALITY shows (they have writers!). You’d have those annoying, meandering acceptance speeches ALL THE TIME.

Now there are two points of view to everything. To be fair and balanced – go read and make your own decisions. Here’s a “this is a very bad move” story. Here is the Emmy Producer’s response.

I think it’s a VERY BAD idea. Hollywood already treats writers like they don’t matter. This is just putting nails in the coffin. As a writer, I’m already treated like crap (except at my day job where they love me) and paid a fraction of what I’m worth (because writing isn’t WORK, right?). I don’t want that mentality perpetuated any more than necessary.

I am grateful to Felicia Day, Miracle Laurie, and the other actors out there who are instigating/participating in this hashtag action. They get it. They ARE it. And God Bless ’em. So if you’re on Twitter. Help out. #Emmyfail on every Tweet today. They want it to trend on Twitter. Maybe someone will listen — hey, it worked for Dollhouse. 😎

**Edit**I misread my TweetDeck… I’m sure Miracle Laurie supports writers, but the person I MEANT to say was Michele Boyd (also of The Guild). And then I saw Wil Wheaton pop up, the Dr. Horrible Tweet (which is good since Neil Patrick Harris is one of the producers of the Emmys), Maurissa Tancharoen, and I think Nathan Fillion.

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