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Welcome to Brain-Dead Monday

Posted by reudaly on April 20, 2009 in Life |

My husband has a shirt he wears on Sundays to SF conventions. It says: I’m up and dressed. What more do you want?

Yeah, that’s today. We’ve survived Week 3 of Scarborough Renaissance Festival. It was a good weekend out there. The weather finally cooperated. People had a good time – we had a good time. Except for the Bug Episode – we were swarmed by Dry Wood Termites. The magic potion worked to kill them, but then we discovered the snake skeleton in embedded in the doorframe – I figure it ticked off the wrong Rodent Mafia Don. Ate the wrong mouse or something. It’s pretty cool. By the end of the evening yesterday, we were joking if people bought something, we’d show ’em – they were buying anyway, and we DID show ’em. It’s always fun watching grown adults of both genders acting like 8 year old boys.

But that also makes for long days leading into the regular work week, and for Mondays to be a bit…slower.

When you’re slower, you also come to find out that you may be a serious regular at your Starbucks when you run into another regular leaving and he says, “You’re late this morning (hey! It was only 5 minutes-ish, and that’s because the dog had a ‘Mama’s Dog’ morning). Don’t you have your computer with you?” (the computer bag was kinda behind me – opposite shoulder).

I’m “NORM!!” At least I hope I’m Norm and not Cliff… eesh. Frasier wouldn’t be too bad – but I don’t think I’m that pompous. And if I am, please let me know so I can STOP. 😎

Now, it’s time to muddle through my Monday. There is laundry and exercise in my future today, but the rest is going to be research reading and some mild writing. Oh, and at some point I need to figure out what to feed my husband for dinner tonight.

And there’s the brain power for this hour.

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