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On Character Naming

Posted by reudaly on April 17, 2009 in Writing |

So I have these three short projects I’m wanting to do. I’ve got the good plot bunnies. I’ve got the creativity. It’s all good. So why am I stumbling? Because I am stumbling.

Yes, not only am I a clutzy PERSON, I’m a clutzy writer. I stumble and twist my creative ankle – dang it, I knew not to run through that mind field in those high heels…

The “popsicle in my way” (bonus points if you get the reference) at the moment is Character Naming. I have the characters in mind. I have their story. I don’t have their stinkin’ names. That’s a problem. Though I can carry on conversations without using a person’s name easily–it’s a bit more difficult in a short story.

Oh, and at least one of these stories (probably two) are going to be my first real forays into Young Adult. I’m psyched about this, because I’ve kinda known this is an area I could probably do well in given my writing styles. Half the stuff I get in used book stores is YA, to see what’s out there, what’s going on.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like my “normal” writing styles, but I’m trying to have a range.

Now, I have to go name a young “Lady”/pirate girl (15/16h century). I need a fun boy character. Preferably NOT a “J” name – I use a lot of “J” names.


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