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Gigantic Soapbox Rant Commences

Posted by reudaly on December 18, 2008 in Life |

Just be warned

I just saw this on CNN.Com – Commentary: Why we need an obesity tax by New York Governor David Paterson

Let’s just say the screaming and ripping out of hair commenced when I read parts like…

That is why, in the state budget I presented last Tuesday, I proposed a tax on sugared beverages like soda. Research has demonstrated that soft-drink consumption is one of the main drivers of childhood obesity.

For example, a study by Harvard researchers found that each additional 12-ounce soft drink consumed per day increases the risk of a child becoming obese by 60 percent. For adults, the association is similar.

and the conclusion

But to make serious progress in this effort, we need to reduce the consumption of high-calorie drinks like nondiet soda among children and adults.

I understand that New Yorkers may not like paying a surcharge for their favorite drinks. But surely it’s a small price to pay for our children’s health.

First of all, I don’t disagree with the “epidemic” of obesity in this country. I think we have weight issues, all of us, because of arbitrary distinguishers. DO NOT get me started on the BS that is BMI index. Or unrealistic definitions of “Beauty” imposed by Hollywood.

HOWEVER, taxing and banning SODA is not the solution. YES, we need healthier foods in schools and government assistance programs. YES, we need to encourage kids to exercise more — however, I BLAME the “Save the Children” mentality of fear that has taken over this country. Do kids go missing? Yes. Are there scary people out there. Yes. Should that mean we lock our children up inside and never let them out? Oh, hell no. I will bet anything this epidemic of childhood obesity has risen most drastically when the generations shifted and kids were no longer thrown outside to play and get out of their parents’ hair and told not to come back till dark.

And banning SUGARED sodas/drinks and promoting DIET sodas/drinks? Let’s just gloss over the fact that you’re trading potential obesity for brain leisions, cancer, and migraines. Thats for saccharine and aspartme. Sucralose (SPLENDA)? Sure it has LESS bad side effects, but in a chunk of Diabetics? Sucralose metabolises JUST LIKE SUGAR and effects blood sugar almost the EXACT SAME WAY.

And the fact it’s a GOVERNMENT TAX???? What the heck? Treating it like smoking? WHAT? EQUATING soda with smoking? NO WAY. Smoking bans I agree with because smoking doesn’t effect JUST the smoker, it effects the entire environment around the smoker. How does SODA hurt anyone but the drinker – unless the can/bottle explodes and someone slips and falls???

No. No. No.

I’m SO very glad I do not live in New York.


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