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Posted by reudaly on October 24, 2008 in Writing |

Gotta love ’em. Really. They’re motivating and panic inspiring.

Right now, I’m in “panic” mode. I have a month to get a ~1500 word short story sent to a market. I have no idea what that story is going to be. Now, when I get on a roll, ~1500 words isn’t a problem, it’s the “roll”. And making sure the story is a “full unit of entertainment” and not just a scene from a larger piece. That’s more difficult than it sounds.

Seriously… the shorter the piece, the higher the degree of difficulty. Believe me.

Nor does it help that I really like the market and want to do a more than good job for the editor. (Not that I don’t make my best effort for every market, but when it’s someone you know it makes it that much more important to not disappoint).

I’m kind of thinking of trying a couple of different stories. Seeing what happens. My stories in the pool are all out and are shrinking in number with recent sales (darn).

So, of course, all the Plot Bunnies have scurried to the darkest corners of the “under the bed” portion of my brain. We’ll see what happens… which should mean (if God and the Universe continue their laugh fests on my behalf) that freelance work should start making demands on my time. Because that’s how my life works… but if it means CASH MONEY then I’m not complaining.

Off to coax out the Plot Bunnies.

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