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A Writerly Rant…

Posted by reudaly on October 8, 2008 in Writing |

I’m a freelance writer. I troll the boards looking for project work on a regular basis. There are two things that torque me off — the obvious one is the incomprehensively low pay. But I’m not here to point out the obvious — again. Unfortunately, I’m also a freelance writer with morals, ethics, and *gasp* work ethic.

This is a rant about the “academic” services and the people on Craigslist looking for people to write their papers for them. The Services are supposedly a “resource” only. But let’s call it what it is — cheating.

As a student I was HUGE follower of the rules. Ask me sometimes about how I argued with my mom about skipping a day at school in the 7th grade. I cheated on a math test in the 3rd grade and still regret it — mostly because I STILL have to think about that particular multiplication table.

So, yeah, I applied for a couple of these jobs back in the day just to have to turn down an opportunity. WHY? Because, dear God, do the work!!!! And it’s not just students — it’s mostly students, but it’s also “write my business report”. I know we’ve become a society of shortcuts, but come on!!!! Hello? How do you learn if you don’t do?

I know I was only a Substitute Teacher (i.e., overgrown babysitter) but even I would be able to tell a professionally written paper from a high school kid’s and probably an undergrad student’s paper.

I just saw a posting for someone looking to have someone write their nursing paper based on their research. WTF? You can do the research but not the paper? Yeah, I want you taking care of me in the hospital.

Then I saw a reply to a post — one of those ridiculously low ball “I have this book idea but no time and money” things — that said, “I charge $125 for a term paper. Why would any writer worth his or her salt write a freakin’ book for $300. Dude, get off you ass and write it yourself.” And while I appreciate the sentiment for getting a living wage out of someone, the fact that someone is willing to write someone else’s term papers saddens me greatly.

Yes, capitalism and free market is all good and everyone’s entitled to a living, but it makes my skin crawl that promoting cheating would be good, profitable business. Not to mention, as a writer, I never want someone else taking credit for my work and profiting (yes, I consider a grade profit) from it.

Well, I should get back to my own work. Duty calls — duty to NOT providing academic shortcuts to students.

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