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Revised FenCon Schedule

Posted by reudaly on September 29, 2008 in Conventions |

There has been one change…

Friday 3:00 PM Trinity 3
Fanfic to Profic to Profit (M)

Description: A number of writers got their start in fan fiction. How did they make the transition to pro writing?


Saturday 10:00 AM Gallery

This is a Four Redheads of the Apocalypse signing… should be fun.

Saturday 3:00 PM Oak Ballroom
Meet Doris Egan (M)

Description: Yes! Doris IS a producer from the hit show “House” – but she also writes books. She’ll discuss the different approaches needed when creating scripts versus written works, as well as the many, many things that keep her busy.


Saturday 7:00 PM – 9:00 Addison Lecture Hall

Art And Charity Auction (Hour 1)

Description: The annual FenCon Art and Charity Auction. Come and bid on some rare and collectible items, right here in Dallas! Bid high!

I’ll either be wearing something low cut or slinky — depending on which dress works best with the 4-5″ heels…


Sunday 10:00 AM Trinity 3

Anyone Can Give a Helpful Critique

Description: How to give critiques that are helpful to the writer. It’s one thing to tell them they did wrong. It’s quite another to show them how they went wrong, and where they might fix it.


Sunday 11:00 AM Pecan Room

Description: HOT BABES READING — Angeline Hawkes and I are sharing this reading time!!!!


Sunday 2:00 PM Oak Ballroom
Non-Genre Shows We’re Watching

Description: Discuss what else fans are watching these days.

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