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Wil Wheaton is a Genius

Posted by reudaly on September 23, 2008 in Writing |

I admit I wasn’t a Wesley Crusher fan, and I admit I made the mistake of equating the character with the actor.

I was wrong about Jason Alexander, and I was wrong about Wil Wheaton. NEVER equate the annoying character with the actor without proof of actual jerkiness. But man, Wil Wheaton is brilliant. When he talks about writing, it generally hits home.

This is from his blog today — and it is DEAD BANG ON. At least for me. And especially going forward into FenCon.

I have a theory, and it is mine. It goes like this: When I get up early in the morning and go straight to work, I produce an avalanche of words before I get tired, about nine hours later. When I get up later in the morning and go straight to work, I produce substantially fewer words, and never really feel all that motivated (unless I’m on a non-self imposed deadline) to really crank it out. When I get up early and have to do something – anything – before I go to work, I will be lucky to produce more than 100 words of any worth.

Now some days that isn’t true — but more times than not, it is. If I can get cookin’ first thing in the morning, I’m golden. If I sleep in past about 8:30, I’m screwed. If I do a bunch of business before the word count… well, let’s just say this week hasn’t burnt up any notebooks.

If you’re a writer. If you like humor — check out Wil’s blog. He’s a riot!

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