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What I’m Reading #5 – Aspirin

Posted by reudaly on July 15, 2008 in What I'm Reading |

My husband and I bought the last MYTH book as well as Dragon’s Wild right after Bob Aspirin’s passing. I didn’t know Bob well, but I had met him a couple of times, he has been an influence on my work, and the industry is sadder for his loss… That being said, I give you Dragon’s Wild [asa]0441014704[/a]

And yes, my computer guru is going to work on making these NOT German… however, click the box, it comes up in English…

I read Dragon’s Wild for the “memorial” factor. This was supposed to be Bob’s new series. And though it won’t be the same if someone finishes the series for him (if he left notes), I hope it does get finished.

Besides learning a LOT about New Orleans, it was typical Bob Aspirin humor. It’s been a while since I read the MYTH books or the PHULE books, but this one was different and yet, the same Bob. You knew what you were getting. Puns, fun, and action. And this time, there are dragons and gambling.

I liked it. It wasn’t serious and thought-provoking, but it was a good story about a guy figuring out his life and realizing everything he knows about the world is wrong, and he’s on the big end of the stick. There’s intrigue, there are power plays, I really wanted to see what would happen with this universe.

Bob did good. It’s the “boy” version of Shanna’s Enchanted Inc series.

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