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Convention Curses and Updatery

Posted by reudaly on July 2, 2008 in Life |

As most people who actually know me now know — I’ve once more been thrust into the Freelance Writer World. That’s upbeat speak for, my “day job” decided I wasn’t the “right fit” for them yesterday.

At least this time it was a FULL DAY after I got back from the Most Amazing ApolloCon. But that makes 3 out of 3 FULL CONVENTIONS I’ve attended (ConDFW doesn’t count because it was too close to RadCon and I wasn’t there for all of it. ConDFW was my breather con) in 2008 where something majorly impacted my life right after I got back. I lost a job, had my job moved to another town in the same city, and then lost that job.

Note: NEVER, EVER say… “Gee, I wonder what’s going to happen when I get back from THIS con.” Stupid Horror Movie Rookie Mistake #17.

However, there is a plan in place. Plot bunnies to be fed and cared for before they hop off to Jay Lake… etc. All is not lost. Weird, but not lost.

So to celebrate this turning point… I’m starting a new segment in my website…

What am I reading. I never go to the “What YOU should be reading panels” – because I’m a stubborn person. If someone tells me I MUST read something, that’s a Sure Fire way to get me NOT to read it.

SO… I’m going to tell people about what I have read. What I’ve thought of it. You might be able to see some of my weird influences. Maybe I’ll be able to connect some dots.

I hope you enjoy it.

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