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SoonerCon and Google Alerts

Posted by reudaly on June 8, 2008 in Conventions, Life |

I’m back from SoonerCon in OKC. There will be a more detailed report later when I can actually string words together to make sentences coherently.

You’ve been warned…

SoonerCon ROCKED!!! If you weren’t there, why not? If you’re a SoonerCon ConCom reading this — Thank you so much for the great party. We had a real blast. It was invigorating and stimulating and productive and randomly bizarre. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

You have a great staff, great spirit, and great energy. I wish you all many more years of convention success, and hope to be part of it.

Now… Google alerts… A couple of posts back I mentioned that I might be on the radio— apparently that conversation my have gone live. I didn’t hear it back, and she went on to another topic. They must have a Google Alert (much like I do) that let’s them know when someone mentions them on the internet publicly. So, yes, this will get back to them.

Anyway, I decided to write this post, and saw I had comments to moderate, and get this… one was from Gene and Julie saying awfully nice things about me. Awwww…. I have a link to them in my “Favorite People” now.

Considering I had no computer keyboard this weekend (long story), so I couldn’t post. And one of the emails I could check (with mouse use only) was a rejection letter. That comment was SO COOL to see.

So if you don’t believe what you read, or what you see in person. Check out my unsolicited radio host endorsement: Imagine our suprise when such a famous and magnificant writer would call our show! And she was soooo nice

Okay, ego, back into your cave now.

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