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Dropped off the Face of the Earth

Posted by reudaly on May 1, 2008 in Life |

Yes, I know… Bad Rhonda, no biscuit. After teasing everyone with regular updates, I fall off the face of the earth for 2 weeks.

Just so you all know, I started a new day job last week. It’s all writing. Writing about bankruptcy and social security and legal stuff.

I’m THE writer on site. There are three freelancers they have been using who are newbies, so I’m having to write, edit, teach, etc. And right now I’m seriously overwhelmed, and am still in the process of discovering just HOW MUCH work there’s going to be here.

I might be sporadic for a while — especially while I’m trying to get my bearings and figure out what the heck I’ve gotten myself into.

I should be starting Round 3 of ROTA editing soon, which will hopefully be the last round before publication clean up.

My other writing is going to be sporadic as well for the same reasons.

There are a lot of ropes to learn, but it’s a great opportunity.

Sorry for the radio silence.

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